
General Dentistry

We offer composite fillings to patients with permanently damaged areas of the tooth called cavities.

General Dentistry

We offer composite fillings to patients with permanently damaged areas of the tooth called cavities.

Dental Crowns & Bridges

Porcelain expands and contracts just like natural teeth, which will make your crown look and feel more natural. 

Graphic of tooth with shine on it.

Our state-of-the art CEREC technology is designed to create high-quality, durable, all-porcelain dental crowns and bridges at our office in West Point. 

Graphic with tooth in hexagon.

CEREC crowns are milled out of a single block of porcelain that is compatible with the body. That means there’s no core material, including metal. 

Graphic of tooth inside a sheild.

CEREC porcelain is strong. With proper maintenance, it can last a long time, even for chewing-intensive back teeth.

(Clock image) Time, CEREC® crowns are created and placed in a single visit. (Smiling mouth image) Comfort, no need for a temporary crown while you wait for the restoration to be made. (Smiling mouth showing teeth image) Appearance, Tooth-colored porcelain is precisely matched for a neutral appearance. (Shining tooth image) Strength with proper care, same-day crowns can last for years. 


For patients experiencing permanent tooth damage or decay (cavities) we offer composite fillings. Dr. Barrett does composite fillings, which are tooth-colored and will not affect the aesthetics of your smile. Our team can also replace any silver (metal) fillings that you may already have. 


If the damage or decay of the tooth is too large for a composite filling, the solution may be to place a crown on the tooth instead. The porcelain crown will completely cover the affected tooth and is bonded using dental cement.

Root Canal Therapy

When the roots of a tooth become infected, root canal therapy is needed. Symptoms of infected roots include painful toothache, sensitivity to hot or cold food and beverages, and/or grayish discoloration. During the process of root canal therapy, the pulp of the tooth is cleaned out and the canal is disinfected and filled with a sealing material to keep bacteria from re-entering the area. 

Full Mouth Rehabilitation

We are here to help you with your smile makeover!

This process will start with a comprehensive consultation by Dr. Barrett. This includes an oral exam, X-Rays, and other diagnostic steps. This may include digital photos of the jaw or teeth, 3D digital imagines, periodontal (gum) evaluation, and an inspection of your bite. 

Once we complete the diagnostic portion of your appointment, our team will explain the findings and various treatment options that are available to you. Dr. Barrett will discuss pros, cons, and what to expect during your subsequent visits. We are here to answer any questions you may have along the way. 

Saving your teeth

We believe in saving your teeth wherever you can. Our team will work with you to restore your periodontic health and provide durable biocompatible restorations to save otherwise damaged or decaying teeth. 

Our rehabilitation procedures help to restore a mouth that has been neglected or traumatized. This process can be extensive and usually takes several appointments to bring your smile back to full health, function, and beauty. Our team at Smiles of West Point knows how to provide care for those who are experiencing severe oral health concerns, missing teeth, or other issues that may cause a broken-down smile. 

Dr. Barrett will typically recommend one of the following treatment options. Learn more about each by clicking on the links below. 

• One-Visit Crowns & Bridges

• Porcelain Veneers

• Gum Disease Treatment

• Dental Implants

• Invisalign® clear teeth straightening

• Root Canal Therapy

Before and after photos of teeth, cracked to filled.

Improve Your Smile Today

To learn more about how a full mouth reconstruction can help you, call our practice or request an appointment online.

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